14th November 2022

What can we expect from Webflow in 2023?

[.c-quoteboxlight]This article might have become irrelevant since its publishing. We are probably already using all the features but if you want to look into the past, go for it.[.c-quoteboxlight]

At the beginning of November, Webflow Conf took place and it was mainly organized for designers and developers. However, the opening presentation included information that may also be of interest to clients. By the end of 2023, Webflow should be able to handle several new features that will put it on the front foot compared to competing content management systems and no-code website builders.

Image of Webflow releases between 2012-2022 including key features such as Interactions, CMS, Symbols, 3D transforms, Flexbox, global swatches, Lottie integrations, accessibility audit, SOC 2 compliance, WebP support, and more.
Source: Webflow.com

What We're Looking Forward to in the Coming Year

We'll have to wait a few more months for the changes described in this chapter, but when they come, they will be life-changing for us and our clients.

Multilingual Websites

The lack of language versions was something we would have changed when we compared Webflow to Wordpress. Next year, Webflow should enable localization of websites including styles, images and static or dynamic text.


During 2023, we should see the launch of a new feature called Logic. This, in its current beta version, already allows actions to be linked to user behavior. A typical example is the use in a form that, when filled out, can create a new entry in your CRM system, send a notification or set up a calendar event.

Flow demonstrating "Pete Prospect" signing up for a webinar. Trigger "Form submission" flows into Action "Make HTTP request" into Action "Update user account"
Source: Webflow.com


The Memberships feature unlocks the next level of interactivity (also currently in beta). Users will be able to sign up to your site and you will be able to customize the content they get access to, among other things.

A screen showcasing UI floating above a webpage with a sign up form. The custom data field for "Company name" is highlighted.
Source: Webflow.com

What We’re Using This Year

The features that have been made available are more likely to affect website builders. However, changes to admin roles or increased editorial system capabilities may also benefit clients.

Changes in Roles

Not all announcements have pleased us in the last year. Client Billing (which used to reduce our billing-related administration) was removed by Webflow and it made its services more expensive for agencies and clients. On the other hand, along with these changes came Workspaces, which makes it easier for designers to collaborate with each other and for agencies to collaborate with their clients.

In the new system, we won't have to move completed (or re-opened) projects from account to account – instead, we can add anyone to our environment (and set them to the appropriate role), or instead have them invite themselves into a client's account.

An image showing how you can assign different roles to teammates in Webflow.
Source: Webflow.com

Symbols Become Components

Symbols are elements that have previously allowed us to use certain parts of websites in multiple places without annoyingly having to duplicate them. Typically, this involved, for example, navigation bars or footers. Webflow has renamed Symbols as Components, and along with that introduced several changes that make them easier to manage and expand the range of possible uses.

Components are now better integrated into the design process – their content can be edited directly. In addition, it is possible to detach text from the original symbol, hide nested elements and, most importantly, display content from the CMS inside symbols.

Soon, we will be putting components together into libraries that will make it even easier for our clients to continuously expand their websites.

Source: Webflow.com

Content Scaling

Large websites can now contain more than 10,000 items in their content management system, and limits on the number of products in e-shops have also increased.

For Experts

If you don't want to miss anything, check out the summary of all the new features announced at Webflow Conf 2022. What else is worth your attention?


Štěpán Landa